Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Oso Oso - Sore Thumb REVIEW

helloooo mine little goobin and gobets it is i awesom witch laddy grizela. i so sorry for no review recentie i been so bussy. firs i get mine degree in poton then i have alot of work 2 do and then glumper ask me to come to skeleton land for him birthday. i say ok glumper i come. i get in headles horse carrage and horsey take me skeleton lant. i say hi glumper hapuy birthday he say thak you so much grizelda i aprecate u coming i lose a lot of my friend after incedent. i say oh my ghoul what happen glumper he say he dont wanna explain. i say ok.

anyway these album call sore tumb by band osso. very paneful album becos sore finkers hurt. i dont like when my witch finkers hurt. when i do review sometie i tipe to fast and my finkers get sore. i wanted to liten these album but i ANRGY at osso. i try to read name of firt song and i say compoter explodter and my compoter blow up??? i have to go to bugs buy and get new compotor so heavy my back and finkers sore. these album so unfarr becos it want you to feel pane. it say sorr tumb i get sore finkers snd compotor explode. ok.

overall rating 5/5


Aren't We Amphibians - Read The Room REVIEW

Heeeelooo my little gobby and gobes it is i youre favorte witch Grizelda. boy do i got a lonk story to tell YOU! after Grizela last revew i ...