Heeeelooo my little gobby and gobes it is i youre favorte witch Grizelda. boy do i got a lonk story to tell YOU! after Grizela last revew i were KIDNAP!!! stupid ass hole Slime boy and his son Slime boy 2 fall thru my sealing and reck my house! i tell them stop stop get out but thsy dont listen and beat the hogsnort outta me! they drag me out of house and put me in slime car. theh put radio on and these album Read The Room was playing. they tel me we go to giant tower and they are goig to throw me of it!! I say why sLime boy and Slime boy 2 why and they say that Big Buford (he a ass hole to) is waitng on bottom of tower witb camera to take album cover picture. I say no no !! dont thro wme off tower for picture they say they dont care :|
I try to escape but 'Pasta / Broil' is play and i cant stop doig funky dance moves. we arrive and i say no!! no!!! Slimeboyy 2grab me and he begin climb up the tower. I beg and plead with him and ask how wikl i listen to Joshua Talbot's soothing vocal performance on 'Mother Nature' and Slime boy 2 say HE DONT CARE (yelled).
We get to top of tower and i say pls no. I see Slime boy on bottom dancing next to Big Buford (fucking ass hol) becosue he happy im going to die. Slime boy 2 pick me up over him head like Hulk Hogin but he trip and fall off!!! Big Buford take picture of it happening but before he reelize, Slim boy 2 hit the ground and explode into sixten hampurgers.
I climb down tower and escap, listenig to 'Read The Room'. i get home and Bungo Jo already fix my houes and i go sleepy until i wake up and right these revew
these album sooo good, thanm all for waiting for legeary Grizela review i make mor soon!
overall rating 5/5