hello little gobs and gubs it is i grizelda the awesom witch here review a nother album. these album calt a terible year by band sant judis. i confuse by what year mean? what year is terible? is it this year? i dont get it. in ghoul town year is 8095. i dont see anytink wrong with 8095 other then slime boy be mean to me. when i see pictore of band i confuse becos why fella head a pumkin?very straing
when i press play fella singing say she burry head into hand. that make no sense cause how head fit inside hand and be burred? while fella sing rude pepole come in song and interupt and go woh oh oh oh oh cut poor fella off when him try sing?
second song call bioluminsesnt blood ritul. i dont know what biolunminet is but i rememer doing blood ritul in ghoul sience class. we find little man hiding under rock and we take him to ghoul lab. then we strap to table and do blood ritul. when stab little guy the sky rain free ghoul snack like roachpaste :)
overall rating: 5/5
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