Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Dartland - Worst Party Ever REVIEW


   hello little gebbles and gootecks. it is i grizelda back again with a nother review today. now we will be reviewing this albums call dartland by a band called worst party ever. mine first question is why is worst party ever?? did some body throwed up?when i went to ghoul party i saw this boy call slimeboy and he was knon for puking constently. at party they kept feeding slime boy the groosest cheese they could find. after that they blind fold him and spin him around over and over and over and over and over and over and over. when he stop he start throw up everywhere! like a garden hose he keep getting vomit all over the walls it was so discusting.

 of coure i was stuck cleaning it after the party. hour and hour spent on the ground scrubing slime boy puke off the floor and walls. i wont ever forgive slimeboy for doing that.

 this album called dartland........ and all i have to ask is WHY. why would anyone ever ever want to live in a land of dart. darts are sharp and pointy hurt so bad! when i was a young little grizelda witch slime boy threw a dart at me and it hit my hiney. i screamt in pain. hurt so bad.

overall rating: 5/5


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