hello little goples and gurbles it is i grizelda here today review a nother album. these album call ghost in a metro by band into the red. my first question is how go into red? does red is like swimming pool? confusing band name. for some reason these album very short it only one song but i review song now.
when press play fella talking about how them born. okay you dont need to go in grafic detail how you born. that just obsene. when i was born momma grizelda was on broom flying to hopital but couldnt make it and push me out in sky. i fall out of sky but she dive down and catch me. very cool!
then fella say darkness is him friend. very confuing becose first fella say they go into red then they say darkness? red is very vibrent color so dont make sense. this fella talk about ghost in trane station which is weird becose i see ghost in trane station all the time. in ghoul town we have many ghost all over and i am friend with them. a few day ago i saw buford the ghost in trane station i say hi and go home.
overall rating: 5/5
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