Friday, February 11, 2022

I Feel Like I Deserve to Feel Like This Forever and I Will - Exciting!!Excellent!! REVIEW


    hello geples and gopals it is i grizelda back again for a nother amazng album review. these album is calt i feel like desereve feel like this forever and will do by band call excitng!ecelent! in the email i get for these album fella say it would mean a lot if i write review suporting emo chiptune. this is slightely confuseng to me becose i beleve it is spelt chipmuk. in ghoul town there is boy called chemley the chipmuk boy and he is lab expairment gone wrong. they try to mix goblin with chipmuk but it make him weird goblin who realy love peanots. every time i see him he have moutful of penaut and he climing up the walls and stuff. very sad.

  when press play on these album it sound like vidio game. like this: eep beep bop bop boopy bop bop. very nice! remind me ghoul vidio game calt meltpot. you have to grab all ingridant for potion and bring to lair to make potion. if not do and run out of time scary ghostman come out of screen and start yelling. he say you dont focus enouh and he tired of you fucking up. then he take vidio game console into tv so you cant play no more.

i never got to play meltpot again becos momma grizelda spend a lot of ghoul dablons on ghoul console and cant aford new one :(


overall rating: 5/5


 also just so we clear i respec chemley i just feel bad for he becos every one think he weirt :/


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