hello little grubles and grupets it is i grizelda here review album call please padon crying... im save my life by band call hair mashine. i read band name i instentley confuse. do this fella know doctor fenk? in ghoul town docor fenk is geneous sientist who make hair mashine. he bald so he invet hair mashine make him hair come back. to be compety honest no body really like docor fenk becose he really arogant and when you go in for check up he always brag about him invetions like blah blah blah im fenk i make mashine make my hair come back. just shut up fenk no body like you this is why you dont have friends. every one else in ghoul town dont need mashine to make hair it just grow from body so how abou you shu tup docor fenk. i go in for check up he dont check my blood presure he just keep talk. shu tup!!!!
when i see these album cover i remided of swirly pool. at local comunity senter we have big swirly pool all my friend go in and have boogie woogie fun. i cant swim so i sit outside and play munkgoble. munkgoble is game where you take rock and throw it at grount as hard as possible and hope it break. if it break you have 30 second to lick the muck powder from the inside. so fun!
overall rating: 5/5
my highest score in munkgoble is 35 :)
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