Friday, February 11, 2022

Ska Punk International Email (Kmoy, Young Costello, Tape Girl/Peach Rings, & Megawave) REVIEW

   Hello little gobins and gobets it is i grizelda here today with special review. i get big email from ska punk intentoal with many albums! i excited so i review all of them here

   album nomber 1 is call the percure album by band kmoy. cover look like funny carton! when i was young grizelda i always use to watch funny carton call ed ed edy. very funny show ed get hit in head with hammer. when press play on album this fella talk about some body call princes percure. very odd becos who is princes? fella say princes has cool hat but where is cool hat? i have cool witch hat make all my friend jelous! fella say princes cure all him disese but what disese he have that princes can make go away? these album have very weird unstrument call trompit on it sounds like do do do do do do. remin me of my friend cheblok he keep saying he like trompit.

overall rating: 5/5

    album numper 2 is call party all the time by fella called yonng costelo. i very excite becos title remind me of my 2nd favorite song by edy murfy. for some reason this fella likes mario salzars feet. i dont know if yonng costelo is the merier but him also like feet. these album also have trompit on it sound like this do do do do. very good unstrument but i think lyrics are to simlar to edy murfy song. maybe fella should talk more about feet becose he seem to like them.

overall rating: 5/5

    album numper 3 is very short just one song. this album special becos 2 band play on it. band 1 call tape girl and band 2 call peach rings. tape girl sound uncomforble becose how can you move if made of tape? must be very stickey and cant walk a  lot. these album song is funky and i herd vidio game sound go beep beep beep boop boop in song too. very fun! im going show my friend cheblok these album

overall rating: 5/5

  last album on email is call rainbow heartach. i am confuse how this album made if person on covers head is broke? they head broke in 2 peces how can they make a album if head in half? also why lady bug inside they head? only place lady bug inside of me is stomech becose they a tasty treat! i press play on album and fella sing about how cant get out of bed. i am not surpise by this becose they head got absoletly obletrated and split in 2 peces.

overall rating: 5/5


i have very good time review all this albums. thank you ska punk intentoal for send gygantic email to me. i show my friend cheblok these albums he get excited do 8 back flip in a row very aewsom!

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Heeeelooo my little gobby and gobes it is i youre favorte witch Grizelda. boy do i got a lonk story to tell YOU! after Grizela last revew i ...