Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Roaring Paper Spring - See More Glass REVIEW


     hello my little gobin and gobet! it is i grizelda back after such loooong time! i wa so bussy! first i finaly finish potions class and get witch degree then i dicover poiton to make tall! i now big then ever! then i try review these album but i forget pasword!!! i have to call buppyservice to change. paword is now GrunkaToes192. aneway i review these album today it called roreng paper sping by band see moe glass. when i read name of ban i confuse because how see glas? in ghoul town glass are clear? i remember back in ghoul school we all find cucumber jack sit and hide in the bathroom. we surond him and pull him up by unterware. slime boy (mean) take cucumber jack and throw him into glass window he go flying out of school. i dont like slime boy but that so funny!

  aneway these album sound vary nice no yell no anoying sount. just nice musac to make grizelda ear happy :)

grizelda sent these album by pumpking head fella sant judis and i sawed there are kick carter for album on vynl. i dont know why vynl need be made with dollers here in ghoul town we make vynl by squish little singing boy between 2 big rock and he become music vynl. i dont know who carter is or why want kick. we usaly cucumber jack. if you wan kick carter for doller and get vynl for it then click the ghoul 

overall rating: 5/5

Sunday, February 13, 2022



    hello my little gobins and gubts it is i grizelda hear again review a nother album. these album call about you own risk by band clifdiver. when i see album cover i upset. every one know i cant swim so why you put pool on album? i alway sit there while friend at the ghoul pool i stuck playing stupid munkgoble. munkgoble is fun but i want swim. i dont know how to swim so this cover is mean :(. 

  band name clifdiver remind me of when a group of touris arrive in ghoul town. they have plan to go up gorp mountan so we go up there first. we hide and hide and then when it time we jump out of cave and scare them. they scream and fall off clif. we laugh and laugh but then realize they take fall damige. we run down gorp mountan to see if ok but they dead. oh well. at lest we get free roachpaste. first song title call elwod remind me of elwod the mumy. elwod is mumy who live down block from me. i see him he try say hi but he cover in toylet paper cant talk. he go mmmm mmmm mmm no body can understan him.  

overall rating: 5/5

how do i learn swim?


Saturday, February 12, 2022

Van Hesling Killed Kids - gammaGIRL REVIEW

   hello once again my delisios little gobins and gobets it is i quen grizelda review a nother album. these album call van hesing killed kid by band game girl. i confuse becose what is van hesing? ony person i know who kill kid is glitter arty. glitter arty was creppy old guy in ghoul town. he use to make him own roachpaste in backyard and say hey kids look at this i have roachpaste come spend some time with glitter arty. we all run to backyard to eat but then he start screaming smite chant to try and kill all us. we all run away scared and go home. one day we have enough of this and beat glitter arty to death with log. this why i scared of scream and yell in song.

this song have yell on it but it not to loud. supisngly witch ears dont hurt when singer yell. in song singer talk about hold deer. i confuse becose why hold deer? in ghoul town deer is food for big feest. we have deer tartare on halowen. halowen is hoiday when r l stien comde to ghoul town and leave gift under the bed. last year i get new sock with note that my feet stinky. :(

overall rating: 5/5

my feet not stink why ever yone say that


...The Way This All Turned Out - Dark Middle Chapter


    hello my sweet little goblins and goblets it is i grizelda back again review a nother album. these album called ...the way these all turn out by band call dark midle chaper. these albums very short. when i see cover i confuse becose how sky purpol? in ghoul town sky not that color at all. some time it blue some time it green. when i press play fella start yelling. my witch ear hurt so bad from this yell. ouch ouch ouch! after yell fella start talk about fall out of sky to dead. fella say while falling you know you die so it scary. personly i think this untrue becose i have see many bat boys fall out of sky and be fine. one time i see berny the bat boy grab goblin and fly into sky with goblin. goblin scream no please help i dont want die. berny laugh and start divebomb into ground. goblin cry and cry but when they land they are fine. he realise and they start laugh together. now i see them have fun divebomb all the time.

i wish berny take me divebomb but he tell me he think im ugly and an idot really hurt my feeling :( . make me so sad becose i respec berny and think what he do for the comunity really cool but he think i stuped so i sad.


overall rating: 5/5


i want go divebomb


You Can Only Mourn Surprises - Topiary Creatures REVIEW


  hello gops and grups it is i iconic witch grizelda here review a nother album. these album is call you can only morn supises by band call topary creatues. when i see cover i am instanty remind of when my friend cheblok grandpa die. he fall down fligh of stair so we drag him body into wood by slug lake and start diging. we make big hole and dump him in. while we buring him and put dirt in hole he wake up and start yelling wait wait where im am i alive not dead stop! we realise he alive but we already dig hole and he gonna die soon anyway becose he old so we keep bury him. once he cover we sing the funeral chant and ligtning strike where we bury. we all celbrate and do funeral party.

when funeral party end cheblok thanks me for helping and we do high five and go home. when i get home i realise i gave grandpa gerf a pretty necklice. i go back to grave and start dig. when i find him body he already bones. i take necklice and put on and go home. when i home i watch rerun of ghoulslap and have great night. :)

overall rating: 5/5

was great night!


Please Pardon My Crying... I'm Learning to Save My Life! - Hair Machine REVIEW

   hello little grubles and grupets it is i grizelda here review album call please padon crying... im save my life by band call hair mashine. i read band name i instentley confuse. do this fella know doctor fenk? in ghoul town docor fenk is geneous sientist who make hair mashine. he bald so he invet hair mashine make him hair come back. to be compety honest no body really like docor fenk becose he really arogant and when you go in for check up he always brag about him invetions like blah blah blah im fenk i make mashine make my hair come back. just shut up fenk no body like you this is why you dont have friends. every one else in ghoul town  dont need mashine to make hair it just grow from body so how abou you shu tup docor fenk. i go in for check up he dont check my blood presure he just keep talk. shu tup!!!!

   when i see these album cover i remided of swirly pool. at local comunity senter we have big swirly pool all my friend go in and have boogie woogie fun. i cant swim so i sit outside and play munkgoble. munkgoble is game where you take rock and throw it at grount as hard as possible and hope it break. if it break you have 30 second to lick the muck powder from the inside. so fun!

 overall rating: 5/5

my highest score in munkgoble is 35 :)


Friday, February 11, 2022

Exsanguination - Wasted Space REVIEW


    hello my little gups and gops it is i wicked witch grizelda review a nother album. these album call exstanguianton by band waste space. my question is why band waste space? if waste space then why no use space to build house or something? strange band name but i digres. these albums very short

first song call i never barf in brenda urn. this piss me off becose remind me of stupid idot slime boy and when he puke gorsest cheese at ghoul party. so discusting i had to clean for hour! also i herd that slime boy work on album. wen i hear this i laugh becose slime boy have no talent and i garente him album will suck! when i press play i am shock to fin dout this fella yelling. my poor witch ears cant take this much longer. i need calm sound music to help sothe my ear. second song called gutterface this remind me of melvin the trash boy. he live in ghoul town. he alway eatin trash from dumpter i dont know why. we have such good food here in ghoul town and he want eat carboar boxs. ok.

overall rating: 5/5

i once see melvin the trash boy eat 6 metel cans in a row


I Feel Like I Deserve to Feel Like This Forever and I Will - Exciting!!Excellent!! REVIEW


    hello geples and gopals it is i grizelda back again for a nother amazng album review. these album is calt i feel like desereve feel like this forever and will do by band call excitng!ecelent! in the email i get for these album fella say it would mean a lot if i write review suporting emo chiptune. this is slightely confuseng to me becose i beleve it is spelt chipmuk. in ghoul town there is boy called chemley the chipmuk boy and he is lab expairment gone wrong. they try to mix goblin with chipmuk but it make him weird goblin who realy love peanots. every time i see him he have moutful of penaut and he climing up the walls and stuff. very sad.

  when press play on these album it sound like vidio game. like this: eep beep bop bop boopy bop bop. very nice! remind me ghoul vidio game calt meltpot. you have to grab all ingridant for potion and bring to lair to make potion. if not do and run out of time scary ghostman come out of screen and start yelling. he say you dont focus enouh and he tired of you fucking up. then he take vidio game console into tv so you cant play no more.

i never got to play meltpot again becos momma grizelda spend a lot of ghoul dablons on ghoul console and cant aford new one :(


overall rating: 5/5


 also just so we clear i respec chemley i just feel bad for he becos every one think he weirt :/




      hello ginks and gunks it is i legendry awsome witch grizelda back again with a nother ablum review. these album is very short and is called new tone by eclairs. i dont like how cover is yell at me in big leters. i dont understand what new tone even mean? what do tone mean and what wrong with old tone?

first song on these album is calt antem for new tone. this fella instently start yelling folow by clown sound. in ghoul town we alway have clown at 10 yer old birtday party. when i was 10 we have clown name binko. binko happy and say hi. we all chayse and atack binko. all kids at my party stomp binko while he cry. then i go in ghoul garoge and get the plank. we folow traditon and cover clown with plank. then we make circle aroun clown and hold hands. we yell the birthday chant and binko disintergrate into ground. then we remove plank and unerneath there is worm candy! yay!

second song talk about feet. this band really like mayo feet and mango feet. strange combonaton but ok. i dont judge. 

other then yelling i like these album

overall rating: 5/5

worm candy is dryied worm cover in roachpaste


A Terrible Year - Saint Judas REVIEW


   hello little gobs and gubs it is i grizelda the awesom witch here review a nother album. these album calt a terible year by band sant judis. i confuse by what year mean? what year is terible? is it this year? i dont get it. in ghoul town year is 8095. i dont see anytink wrong with 8095 other then slime boy be mean to me. when i see pictore of band i confuse becos why fella head a pumkin?very straing

when i press play fella singing say she burry head into hand. that make no sense cause how head fit inside hand and be burred? while fella sing rude pepole come in song and interupt and go woh oh oh oh oh cut poor fella off when him try sing? 

second song call bioluminsesnt blood ritul. i dont know what biolunminet is but i rememer doing blood ritul in ghoul sience class. we find little man hiding under rock and we take him to ghoul lab. then we strap to table and do blood ritul. when stab little guy the sky rain free ghoul snack like roachpaste :)

overall rating: 5/5


Abject Terror - Robot Princess REVIEW


  hello my little gobles and guntles it is i grizelda back again with a nother album review. these album call abjact teror by band robet princes. these album cover have ghos on it. remind me of friend buford the ghost i see him by trane station all time! 

 when press play on first song i am surpise to find out these album have pano on it. grizelda love pano! when was little grizelda i listen to pano music all time. i alway wanted to play pano but i never learn :(

  fella sing about full mon come out. this remind me of trebo the wolfman he my neighbor. sooo anoying when full mon come out. he go outsie and go awooooo awooooo awoooo all night. i like you trebo but you need stop going awoooo at mon every time it big and rount. 

overall rating: 5/5

great pano on these albums.


Ska Punk International Email (Kmoy, Young Costello, Tape Girl/Peach Rings, & Megawave) REVIEW

   Hello little gobins and gobets it is i grizelda here today with special review. i get big email from ska punk intentoal with many albums! i excited so i review all of them here

   album nomber 1 is call the percure album by band kmoy. cover look like funny carton! when i was young grizelda i always use to watch funny carton call ed ed edy. very funny show ed get hit in head with hammer. when press play on album this fella talk about some body call princes percure. very odd becos who is princes? fella say princes has cool hat but where is cool hat? i have cool witch hat make all my friend jelous! fella say princes cure all him disese but what disese he have that princes can make go away? these album have very weird unstrument call trompit on it sounds like do do do do do do. remin me of my friend cheblok he keep saying he like trompit.

overall rating: 5/5

    album numper 2 is call party all the time by fella called yonng costelo. i very excite becos title remind me of my 2nd favorite song by edy murfy. for some reason this fella likes mario salzars feet. i dont know if yonng costelo is the merier but him also like feet. these album also have trompit on it sound like this do do do do. very good unstrument but i think lyrics are to simlar to edy murfy song. maybe fella should talk more about feet becose he seem to like them.

overall rating: 5/5

    album numper 3 is very short just one song. this album special becos 2 band play on it. band 1 call tape girl and band 2 call peach rings. tape girl sound uncomforble becose how can you move if made of tape? must be very stickey and cant walk a  lot. these album song is funky and i herd vidio game sound go beep beep beep boop boop in song too. very fun! im going show my friend cheblok these album

overall rating: 5/5

  last album on email is call rainbow heartach. i am confuse how this album made if person on covers head is broke? they head broke in 2 peces how can they make a album if head in half? also why lady bug inside they head? only place lady bug inside of me is stomech becose they a tasty treat! i press play on album and fella sing about how cant get out of bed. i am not surpise by this becose they head got absoletly obletrated and split in 2 peces.

overall rating: 5/5


i have very good time review all this albums. thank you ska punk intentoal for send gygantic email to me. i show my friend cheblok these albums he get excited do 8 back flip in a row very aewsom!

Deja Vu - Big Coaching Decisions REVIEW


   hello little grotels and grumpets it is i the super aewsom witch grizelda back again with a nother album review. these albums is very short but call deja vu by band big couch decison. my first question is whats the big decison? buy a new couch? get a nice comforble couch and then you no longer need to make big couch decison? easy!

  before i press play i look at album cover and i realise some thing. is gutar doing homework? why is gutar on cover write a paper? make no sense. when i wa in ghoul school an had to do homework i always copy my friend cheblok work he let me see him paper all the time so i get easy a plus. dose gutar have friend? if gutar has friend maybe gutar can copy friend homework and not have to do homework when its time to take album cover picture. gutar is obiously ditracted and didnt know album cover being taken because it so busy doing homework. 

  i press play and fella sing about come back from 30 streets? how you on 30 streets at same time? eiter you size of godzila or just lying. be hones about how many street you on dont say you on 30 at same time if you are not size of godzila.

overall rating: 5/5


Cyclical - The Merrier REVIEW


  hello little guntles and gorbons it is i lovly godess of music review grizelda back again with a nother album review. these album call cyclist by the merier. when i first read song names i am very confuse by why all songs are about feet? why all songs have feet in title? why do the merier like feet so much? this fella make a whole album about feet but i cant even take my shoe off becos if i do every one grab them nose and say my feet smelly. this make me upset becose my feet not smelly? i wash feet in bucket of worm juise every night so why slime boy and him friends say my feet smelly? not fair to me becos it not true.

  i turn these album on and this fella never talk about feet once. this make absalotly no sense. why you name all title about feet then no sing about feet? what kind of feet the merier like? big one small one smelly one clean one dirty one? explain to me the merier what feet you like. 

  this also remind me of when i use to take my feet and stomp on apple and make apple juise. very tasty i recamend try stomp apple.


overall rating: 5/5



merier please tell me what feet u like


Internet Breath - Hey, Ily REVIEW


    hello my little gobles and gwebles it is i the very awsome ghoulish witch grizelda back again with a nother review. these albums is internet breathe by hey ily. i am very confuse because i dont know internet can breathe? now i think abot it and make sense. when turn on ghoul computer it make noise like brrrbrrrbrrrrbumbumbumbbrrrbrbrrrbrrrbr so i gues that internet breatheing?

  i press play on these album and it sound like vidio game? like beep beep boop boop. when listen i start think about my favorite game ghoul game. it awesome. i use to play after school on tv. very fun game you run around as ghoul collect worms for gygantic ghoul party. very nice musics in this albums. 

wait. this fella yelling. oh no. why every one must yell on music album i dont like it. to loud for grizelda make ears hurt! i put finger in ears and go lalalala when yell. 

these album very good when sound like vidio game but when yell i dont like 

overall rating: 5/5

beep beep boop boop video game


Tap Water - Towhead REVIEW

    hello little gubins and gerples it is i the devios destrucer grizelda here again to review a nother album. these album call tap water by band toehead. i am confuse by cover because is album made by bug? roach is big delicecy in ghoul town we go to fancy resterant in fancy clothe to eat roach. so how roach play album if tasty meal? confusing.

   when press play this roach fella start playing unstrument prety impresive if you think abou it. then roach start sing. woah! very cool for food to sing. i rememer one time we go fancy resterant for yummy dinner and slimeboy was there and he come over to table and start asking me come sit with him. i try to ignore but then he get on table and start stomping all the apetisers and ruin my night. i run out cry saying i hate u slime boy you ruin my life. 

overall rating: 5/5


Ghosts in the Metro - Into The Red REVIEW


    hello little goples and gurbles it is i grizelda here today review a nother album. these album call ghost in a metro by band into the red. my first question is how go into red? does red is like swimming pool? confusing band name. for some reason these album very short it only one song but i review song now.

  when press play fella talking about how them born. okay you dont need to go in grafic detail how you born. that just obsene. when i was born momma grizelda was on broom flying to hopital but couldnt make it and push me out in sky. i fall out of sky but she dive down and catch me. very cool! 

  then fella say darkness is him friend. very confuing becose first fella say they go into red then they say darkness? red is very vibrent color so dont make sense. this fella talk about ghost in trane station which is weird becose i see ghost in trane station all the time. in ghoul town we have many ghost all over and i am friend with them. a few day ago i saw buford the ghost in trane station i say hi and go home.

overall rating: 5/5


I (Never) Want To Be Left Alone - Routine Fuss REVIEW


  hello little gembles and gubels it is i witch icon grizelda back again review a nother album. this album call i never want to be left alone by band called rotue fuss. i am confuse by album name becos never is in parentses and it like okay do you want be left alone or not? make up your mind. also what are fuss? like noise? confuse.

  if i only have one word to describ these album then taht word is: it funky! i like these album becose it funky. it remind me of go to locil ghoul bar many year a go. there was song that play at bar and these album remind me of. at ghoul bar there was giant fiht next to my table. water came over give guy a drink but he spill it on guy new shirt. guy get up and start scream and scream about how him new shirt costed many ghoul dollar and water have to pay for it. water say no and guy grab water. lucky for water him friend come up fromp behin and smash guy over head with comicly large bottle. guy fall to floor and them both stomp him until he crying and apologise. such weird time.

overall rating: 5/5


Permanent Vacation - Hymns from the Backseat REVIEW


  hello little gubbles and guppets it is i grizelda hear today review a nother album. these album call hims from the backseat. my first question is what is cover? how can u go inside rabbit ear? motel in side ear? i am confuse by it but it ok. these album have very calm and sothing song make grizelda feel nice and comforble. second song on album called minight dinner and it have baby music sound on it. very nice.

  when grizelda listen to comforble music like these album it make grizelda think about many time where grizelda happy. i like happy becos it make feel good dont have to worry about bad stuff like ruin potion and music wher fella yellin.

when listen on bancamp i see these album is for sale casete? back when i was litle grizelda my momma grizelda woul buy me all tiny tim casete i sit on floor and listen on sunny walk man for hour. if you wan comforble music casete here link

overall rating: 5/5


You Can Never Have a Long Enough Head Start - Floral Tattoo REVIEW


 hello liettle groblins and groblets it is i grizelda hear again to review a nother album. these album call you never can have long head start by florol tato. when i read album name i confuse. what u mean? i have had many a head start in race and i win every time. in ghoul school we use to do jim class and when we do races i got head start. this is becose cucumber jack to scared to run so i get mega head start. that why i win handly.

also i dont undertsan why florl tato. if i get tato it be of something cool like knifes or mabe hugmunus man doing musle flex. anyway these album sound nice. i dont know who julus or ethel is but song sound nice so it okay. maybe i meet them in future i dont know.

overall rating: 5/5

you can have enough head start


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Skull Mountain - Skull Mountain REVIEW


  hello little geblins and geblettes it is i grizelda here again with a nother album review. this review is for album called skull mountain by band skull mountain. this confuse me because is band skull mountain or is album skull mountain? they both skull mountain? weird. when i press play the file must be coropted becose it so loud. secon song sound sooo nice and calm. make me happy :). this is great album i will listen all day every day all time every time all the day!

 .... uh oh.... this fella started yelling. why dose nobody understan that yelling hurt my poor witch ear. i will get ten itus if this keep up. ten itus is when you ear just go bom bom bom bom bom and you dont kno why

other then yelling... very good music album i will listen again and skip the scream

overall rating: 5/5


Mall Fantasy - 2:00 AM Wake Up Call


  Hello little goblin an gobletes it is grizelda here again review these album called mall fantasy. when i hear this call mall fantasy i get excite. i fantasy about mall all the time. when i was little momma grizelda use to take me to mall all time. i remember run to store go to ghoul store. i buy eye ball and rat for special potion. when i get home i boil rat and add to devil stew. then i realize i forgot to go to clothe store and buy new witch clothes. so silly of me.

i really like the mall becose it like a centralied area to go to your favortie store and purchas what ever you want to buy. the food is very tasty ass well. i like go to haggin days and get 2 scoop of spooky cream in a ghoul cone.

becose of this

overall rating: 5/5

i like mall


Dinosaurs On The Shelf, TV Smiles, & Outer Space - Sapwood REVIEW


  hello little gebslis and gebloks it is i the deligtfuly devilsh witch icon grizelda back with a nother album review. this album call dinosaur shelf tv smile in outer space by band snapwod. very strange album name becous how wuld dino fit on shelf make no sense to me. tv cant smile eiter. on cover there is strange muscrat creatrue playing instrament. 

 first song talk about how some people like cat and some like dog. personally i like dog because of my dog zoozy i miss zoozy so much got absolety wrecked by car. so sad grizelda cryed :(

then fella sing about want to go outer space. okay then bye. go. why this fella not go space yet?

overall rating: 5/5


Wish Kit - Hot Gold REVIEW


  Hello little gunkles and genklies it is i grizelda review another album today. these album called hot guy by wish kit. i was promise a new born baby for review this. so i do. when i see album cover im confused because why girl bird? why bird have girl head? i dont understant why it look like that. also why guy behing bird make that face? weird

first song called allmons and fella singing say cut my hair. why you say that? grizelda have the finest hair this side of miss is ippy. this album make grizelda feel like laying on cloud and fly through sky with big glas of lemontade and sunglasses. i love lemonade. back when i was little grizelda my mom use to have the lemon chair and it had hole with strainer on bottom. you put lemon on chair and sit on it and lemon juice smush out thru the strainer and you have lenomtade! so good! 

overall rating: 5/5


Digital Soul - Analogue Heart REVIEW

 hello little geblins and gorblettes. i am here today reviewing this album call digitized saul by analoge heart. when i press play on album it start with fella typing. then we go into space and some guy from smellvile sing about somethin. i think speakrs broke because fella singing sound all fucked up like robot. music sound good but just robot voice dont know why. weird. 

music on these album remind me of when young grizelda was in love. remind me of dancing balad with someone who wont be name. other than fella voice getting ruin by my speaker this album very good grizelda dance to this

overall rating: 5/5


hello little grobuls and grebies today i am very upset because dirty rotten bastard slime boy try to steel my thunter by make new album. these album suck!!! it only one song too. not even good. sounds bad. terrible.

i had to clean up slime boy DISCUSTING puke at ghoul party and he push me in water at ghoul pool party i almos drownt. i hate slime boy u suck

overall rating: 0/100


Such Joy - Superdestroyer REVIEW
hello little gronels and grubels it is i grizelda here to review thse album such joy by super destroyer. firstley i have to ask why is band called super destroyer? dose thisfella destroy superbman?? i dont get it

seconly when i hear name such joy i think of joy. joy remind me of happy. happy remind me of my favorte song happy day are here again by tiny tim. i love tiny tim! he so good sing so nice music so calming. 

when i turn these album on i hear water sound blub blub blub have to turn off because remind me when i almost drownt. i was at ghoul pool party everyone swimming having fun. i dont know how swim but slime boy push me in. i was drownting and no body knew!!! thankfuly for me my friend cheblok jump in and save me thank

overall rating: 5/5

swim safe

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Dartland - Worst Party Ever REVIEW


   hello little gebbles and gootecks. it is i grizelda back again with a nother review today. now we will be reviewing this albums call dartland by a band called worst party ever. mine first question is why is worst party ever?? did some body throwed up?when i went to ghoul party i saw this boy call slimeboy and he was knon for puking constently. at party they kept feeding slime boy the groosest cheese they could find. after that they blind fold him and spin him around over and over and over and over and over and over and over. when he stop he start throw up everywhere! like a garden hose he keep getting vomit all over the walls it was so discusting.

 of coure i was stuck cleaning it after the party. hour and hour spent on the ground scrubing slime boy puke off the floor and walls. i wont ever forgive slimeboy for doing that.

 this album called dartland........ and all i have to ask is WHY. why would anyone ever ever want to live in a land of dart. darts are sharp and pointy hurt so bad! when i was a young little grizelda witch slime boy threw a dart at me and it hit my hiney. i screamt in pain. hurt so bad.

overall rating: 5/5


Puppy Love - Mom Jeans REVIEW

 Hello little greblets and gooblers it is me grizelda. Today we are reviewing these album Puppy Love by band called Mom Jeans. this is a very obscure album requested to me by oolong band. if you didnt read the review of oolong (like poop) band i did earlier then please go read that.

to start off this albums the fella singing is talking about chetos in him bed? why would you eat cheto in your bed that could cause colossal amount of crumps in your bed. then if you try to sleep you cant sleep because all the crumps are making your back itshy.

the main theme from this albums is dogs. it so strange to see album like this when all singer wanna do is sing about dog. like okay fine dude we get it... get over yourself dog arent even that special. one minute dog is man best friend and the next they are pile of goo on the road after honda civic smushes it into ground.

anyway this album have good unstruments too. i really like the song about him friend bart the pickle. reminds me of my friend cucumber jack in middle school. we'd all point and laugh at cucumber jack and then pummel him when he shit his pants out of fear. so funny.

overall rating: 5/5

thank you


Oolong - About Your Imaginary Friend REVIEW


Hello little gremlins and gremletts it is once again Grizelda here today reviewing album. this album is called about your imaginary friend and it is by oolong band from long island. right off the bate i have to say oolong is a type of tea that looks like poop? why would you name your band after that? is this band poopy? i think they should be called poop band if they gonna call themselfs poop.

oolong tea (looks like poop)

when i press play on album i am greeted by pleasant sound. sounds like song id play for a baby or something. very nice decision by poopy band. then... uh oh... is this fella yelling?

grizelda is in for a nother nightmare. this fella just yelling and screaming so fast i cant even understand what is being said. now roxys and cigarette is playing. sound like this:

"i do not care *throw up sound* i care about you and friends!!!"

overall rating 5/5

bye bye 


Camp Trash - Downtiming REVIEW

 Hello little goblin and goblettes it is i Grizelda here today to review a nother album. this album is very short and tiny it is called downtiming. as soon as i press play i am hit with wave of emotion that reminds me of my old dog zoozy. zoozy was the cutest damn thing in th e whole word. i miss when hed use his lil teeth to rip apart my skin when i was asleeping. he also bark at mailman and eat the newspaper every day... so funny! zoozy got ran over by car turned him into a puddle of red goop. so sad :(

the best song on this album is booby. the name remind me of when i was young grizelda and i show my nice witch boobys to all the lttle gremlin men. id go to panchetos bar and do witch dances til 4 am and then go home and go bed.

overall rating: 5/5

thank you


Monday, February 7, 2022

I Dont Hate You - Ogbert Nerd REVIEW

hello little gremlins it is i grizelda here today to review album i dont hate you by band ogbert the nerd. when first listening to album it is apparent that lead singer is screaming so much. must be angry because of something. i really dislike the yelling on this songs. all 11 songs on these album has some kind of yelling and it just wont quit. when i listen to music i like it to be good and calm. sound good and happy. this music is loud and ubnoxios. 

first song is called get in a robot. this immediately confuse me because what robot? what is this song asking me to do?? i dont understand why all the yelling but okay. the instruemnts are very clearly undertuned and not truly fleshed out. it doesnt make sense why you would record album without make sure the instruements are ripe and ready to go. i like the song 24 the most because of many reason:

1. no yelling 2. i like the sound 3. reminds me of when i was 24 and ohh boy was grizelda a menace. i would go out on the town in the tightest underware i had and do dances for all the goblin boys

this album truly show me that not all glitters can become gold.

overall rating: 5/5 


signing off


Aren't We Amphibians - Read The Room REVIEW

Heeeelooo my little gobby and gobes it is i youre favorte witch Grizelda. boy do i got a lonk story to tell YOU! after Grizela last revew i ...